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static code analyzer

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Finds errors and potential vulnerabilities in your code

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An enterprise solution that enhances your code quality, security (SAST), and safety

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Team License

a basic version

This license is for you if:

  • your team is small (under 10 developers);
  • your code base is small (up to 1 million code lines);
  • you use one platform.

Enterprise License

an extended version

This license is for you if:

  • your team exceeds 10 developers;
  • your code base contains over 1 million code lines;
  • you use cross-platform code quality control;
  • you require custom diagnostics and more flexible tech support;
  • you need a custom-tailored and powerful notification system;
  • you require continuous code quality control;
  • you need a quick code changes check on the server;
  • you want to control code when it enters the version control system.

Team License

a basic version

This license is for you if:

  • your team is small (under 10 developers);
  • your code base is small (up to 1 million code lines);
  • you use one platform.

Enterprise License

an extended version

This license is for you if:

  • your team exceeds 10 developers;
  • your code base contains over 1 million code lines;
  • you use cross-platform code quality control;
  • you require custom diagnostics and more flexible tech support;
  • you need a custom-tailored and powerful notification system;
  • you require continuous code quality control;
  • you need a quick code changes check on the server;
  • you want to control code when it enters the version control system.

For students

Choose one of the ways to use PVS Studio for free

  • Add special comments to your code.
  • Use the Compiler Explorer website.
  • A free version for open-source projects.

For open-source projects

Are you working on an open-source project?
Request a free one-year license.

This license is available for projects hosted on the following services:

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Bitbucket

For Microsoft MVPs

If you are a Microsoft MVP, you can
request a free one-year license.

168极速赛车开奖最快的专业彩票开奖网站 PVS‑Studio error detection examples

168极速赛车开奖官方开奖网站查询开奖结果,开奖记录,开奖直播 Our team analyzed several open-source projects and published the results. We support and encourage open-source projects: we report bugs we found and help open-source developers set up our analyzer to check their code.

More about examples

Upcoming events

02.05.24 - 02.06.24 Amsterdam Laravel
02.06.24 - 02.08.24 Athens gopherconeu

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Frequent questions and honest answers

Use the mass suppression mechanism. PVS‑Studio saves data about currently uninteresting errors to a special file. The analyzer will only issue warnings for new or recently changed code. As for the technical debt, you can tackle it later by fixing errors and tuning the analyzer step by step. Details.

Sadly, static analyzers are not perfect, which is why time from time you can get false positives. They are easy to suppress. For example, in the Visual Studio PVS‑Studio plugin, you need to click one button - “Mark As False Alarms” (see our video on how to suppress false positives). You can also report the problem to our support. If fix, the false alarm , you’ll see a decrease in false alarms after a PVS‑Studio update.

PVS‑Studio supports 64-bit Windows OS, Linux OS, and macOS systems. It can analyze code written for 32-bit, 64-bit and embedded ARM platforms.

You can integrate the PVS‑Studio analyzer into popular build systems, IDEs, modern built-in systems, CIs and cloud CIs. Click here to see the entire list.

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