Examples of errors detected by the V6001 diagnostic
V6001. There are identical sub-expressions to the left and to the right of the 'foo' operator.
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
V6001 [CWE-571] There are identical sub-expressions '!StringUtil.endsWithChar(name,'"')' to the left and to the right of the '&&' operator. JsonNamesValidator.java 27
public synchronized boolean isIdentifier(@NotNull String name,
final Project project) {
if (!StringUtil.startsWithChar(name,'\'') &&
!StringUtil.startsWithChar(name,'\"')) {
name = "\"" + name;
if (!StringUtil.endsWithChar(name,'"') &&
!StringUtil.endsWithChar(name,'\"')) {
name += "\"";
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
V6001 [CWE-570] There are identical sub-expressions 'LoadingOrder.BEFORE_STR_OLD.equalsIgnoreCase(str)' to the left and to the right of the '||' operator. Check lines: 127, 128. ExtensionOrderConverter.java 127
@NonNls public static final String BEFORE_STR_OLD = "before:";
@NonNls public static final String AFTER_STR_OLD = "after:";
private static boolean isBeforeOrAfterKeyword(String str, boolean trimKeyword) {
return (trimKeyword ? LoadingOrder.BEFORE_STR.trim() :
LoadingOrder.BEFORE_STR).equalsIgnoreCase(str) ||
(trimKeyword ? LoadingOrder.AFTER_STR.trim() :
LoadingOrder.AFTER_STR).equalsIgnoreCase(str) ||
LoadingOrder.BEFORE_STR_OLD.equalsIgnoreCase(str) || // <=
LoadingOrder.BEFORE_STR_OLD.equalsIgnoreCase(str); // <=
V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'tookInMillis' to the left and to the right of the '==' operator. TermVectorsResponse.java(152)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return index.equals(other.index)
&& type.equals(other.type)
&& Objects.equals(id, other.id)
&& docVersion == other.docVersion
&& found == other.found
&& tookInMillis == tookInMillis // <=
&& Objects.equals(termVectorList, other.termVectorList);
Apache Hadoop
V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'this.bucketSize' to the left and to the right of the '%' operator. RollingWindow.java(79)
RollingWindow(int windowLenMs, int numBuckets) {
buckets = new Bucket[numBuckets];
for (int i = 0; i < numBuckets; i++) {
buckets[i] = new Bucket();
this.windowLenMs = windowLenMs;
this.bucketSize = windowLenMs / numBuckets;
if (this.bucketSize % bucketSize != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The bucket size in the rolling window is not integer: windowLenMs= "
+ windowLenMs + " numBuckets= " + numBuckets);
V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'newDataType.getLength()' to the left and to the right of the '>' operator. DataTypeSelectionEditor.java(366)
private boolean parseDataTypeTextEntry()
throws InvalidDataTypeException {
try {
newDataType = parser.parse(selectionField.getText(),
catch (CancelledException e) {
return false;
if (newDataType != null) {
if (maxSize >= 0
&& newDataType.getLength() > newDataType.getLength()) { // <=
throw new InvalidDataTypeException("data-type larger than "
+ maxSize + " bytes");
return true;
return false;
Bouncy Castle
V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'tag == PacketTags.SECRET_KEY' to the left and to the right of the '||' operator. PGPUtil.java(212), PGPUtil.java(212)
public static boolean isKeyRing(byte[] blob) throws IOException {
BCPGInputStream bIn = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(blob));
int tag = bIn.nextPacketTag();
return tag == PacketTags.PUBLIC_KEY || tag == PacketTags.PUBLIC_SUBKEY
|| tag == PacketTags.SECRET_KEY || tag == PacketTags.SECRET_KEY;
Apache Flink
V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'processedData' to the left and to the right of the '==' operator. CheckpointStatistics.java(229)
public boolean equals(Object o)
CheckpointStatistics that = (CheckpointStatistics) o;
return id == that.id &&
savepoint == that.savepoint &&
triggerTimestamp == that.triggerTimestamp &&
latestAckTimestamp == that.latestAckTimestamp &&
stateSize == that.stateSize &&
duration == that.duration &&
alignmentBuffered == that.alignmentBuffered &&
processedData == processedData && // <=
persistedData == that.persistedData &&
numSubtasks == that.numSubtasks &&
numAckSubtasks == that.numAckSubtasks &&
status == that.status &&
Objects.equals(checkpointType, that.checkpointType) &&
V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'bounds[j + 1]' to the left and to the right of the '!=' operator. CLIQUEUnit.java(252)
private boolean checkDimensions(CLIQUEUnit other, int e) {
for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < e; i++, j += 2) {
if (dims[i] != other.dims[i]
|| bounds[j] != other.bounds[j]
|| bounds[j + 1] != bounds[j + 1]) {
return false;
return true;
V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 't2Docked' to the left and to the right of the '&&' operator. SwingGui.java(2718), SwingGui.java(2718)
class ContextWindow extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
public ContextWindow(final SwingGui debugGui) {
ComponentListener clistener =
new ComponentListener() {
boolean t2Docked = true;
void check(Component comp) {
if (leftDocked && t2Docked && rightDocked && t2Docked) { // <=
// no change
t2Docked = rightDocked;
// Further t2Docked is not used
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'e1.isPopupTrigger()' to the left and to the right of the '==' operator. JBCefOsrComponent.java(459)
private boolean areHomogenous(MouseWheelEvent e1,
MouseWheelEvent e2) {
if (e1 == null || e2 == null) return false;
double distance = ....;
return e1.getComponent() == e2.getComponent() &&
e1.getID() == e2.getID() &&
e1.getModifiersEx() == e2.getModifiersEx() &&
e1.isPopupTrigger() == e1.isPopupTrigger() && // <=
e1.getScrollType() == e2.getScrollType() &&
distance < TOLERANCE;
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'StringUtil.isOctalDigit(myBuffer.charAt(i + 1))' to the left and to the right of the '&&' operator. JavaStringLiteralLexer.java(64), JavaStringLiteralLexer.java(64)
protected int locateUnicodeEscapeSequence(int start, int i) {
if (StringUtil.isOctalDigit(c)) {
if (i + 2 < myBufferEnd &&
StringUtil.isOctalDigit(myBuffer.charAt(i + 1)) &&
StringUtil.isOctalDigit(myBuffer.charAt(i + 1))) {
return i + 3;