Examples of errors detected by the V628 diagnostic
V628. It is possible that a line was commented out improperly, thus altering the program's operation logic.
Trans-Proteomic Pipeline
V628 It's possible that the line was commented out improperly, thus altering the program's operation logics. interprophetmain.cxx 175
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (getIsInteractiveMode())
// regression test?
if (testType!=NO_TEST) {
Spring Engine
V628 It's possible that the line was commented out improperly, thus altering the program's operation logics. assimp colladaparser.cpp 2281
void ColladaParser::ReadSceneLibrary()
else if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END)
if( strcmp( mReader->getNodeName(), "....") == 0)
//ThrowException( "Expected end of \"....\" element.");
V628 It's possible that the line was commented out improperly, thus altering the program's operation logics. FontFactory.cpp 705
font_instance *font_factory::Face(....)
if( features[0] != 0 ) // <=
// std::cout << " features: " << std::endl;
for( unsigned k = 0; features[k] != 0; ++k ) {
// dump_tag( &features[k], " feature: ");
++(res->openTypeTables[ extract_tag(&features[k])]);